In two impactful events this month in collaboration with Alstom, EFE engaged youth in hands-on environmental initiatives in Algiers. These efforts not only contributed to the local environment, but also helped raise awareness about sustainability and the importance of community involvement.

Campus Cleanup at EHEC:
A group of 35 motivated young participants gathered at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (EHEC) in Algiers for a campus cleanup. Together, they collected more than 130 kilos of waste, taking important steps towards a cleaner campus and raising awareness about environmental sustainability. By directly engaging with their surroundings, these youth made a visible impact on the cleanliness of the campus and learned valuable lessons about environmental responsibility.

Beach Cleanup with Alstom:
Following the success of the campus initiative, 70 young men and women joined forces with EFE and Alstom for a beach cleanup event along the Algiers coastline. The group collected 280 kilos of waste, contributing to the preservation of the local marine environment. This initiative not only helped reduce pollution, but also highlighted the importance of keeping coastlines clean for future generations.