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Emergency Support For Gaza

The EFE Network began its first programs in Gaza in 2006. With a dedicated team on the ground, we've supported nearly 9,000 graduates over the years.  During this time of crisis, our work continues.

Now is a time of critical need.

See how our team members in Gaza are working alongside our partners on the ground to ensure those who need immediate care find support:

Emergency First Aid Training

Youth in this training are getting equipped with the essential skills and knowledge needed to effectively respond to medical emergencies.

Beyond basic first aid skills, they are learning how to assess situations and how to care for burns, control bleeding, treat head and neck injuries, give CPR to infants and adults, and ways to support individuals with diabetes or low blood sugar.

$4,185 trains a full class of 20 people.

Emergency Midwifery Training

This training teaches skills to ensure the safety and well-being of mothers and newborns in Gaza. The training is divided into two segments, incorporating simulation exercises and emergency protocol reviews. The first segment, Safe Delivery, prepares youth for deliveries in shelters. The second segment focuses on the "Kangaroo Method", teaching trainees to monitor newborn temperatures and promote breastfeeding, thereby improving overall baby health outcomes.

$10,085 trains a full class of 20 people.

Psychological First Aid Training

This intensive 2-day training is designed to provide youth with the crucial skills and knowledge to deliver immediate psychological support to those impacted by crises or trauma. This first day covers psychosocial first aid and communication. The second day focuses on emotional support strategies, support groups, and case studies. By the end of the training, participants are equipped to offer timely and compassionate assistance in times of crisis.

$4,185 trains a full class of 20 people.

Midwife Kit

Kits include: Medical Gloves, Disposable plastic aprons, Drape sheets, Underpads, Towelettes, Sterile 4" x 3" gauze sponges, Sterile Scalpels, OB Pads, Sterile Syringes, Sterile Umbilical Cord Clamps, Clothing for mother and baby, Medications and drugs related to deliveries.

$150 provides a midwife kit

First Aid Kit

Kits include: Anticeptic solution, Burn dressings and treatment, Adhesive bandage, Medical Gloves, Scissors, Splint, Sterile pad, Gauze, Diabetes tests, Medication, Thermal blanket, Headlight and more.

$130 provides a first aid kit.

Dignity Kit

Kits include: Toilet paper, shampoo, Deodorant, Hand soap, Tooth brush, Tooth paste, Wipes, Sanitary pads, Laundry soap, Socks and more.

$120 provides a family dignity kit.

About Our Work In Palestine:

Education For Employment delivered its first Job Training and Placement program to unemployed youth in Gaza in 2006.

Since then, EFE established itself as the leading network of locally-run nonprofit organizations that provide young people in the Middle East and North Africa with the tools to start a job, build their futures, and give back to their communities.

Today, EFE-Palestine operates in the West Bank, Gaza, and Jerusalem, where it provides demand-driven training to youth with limited opportunities, and offers startup support to aspiring entrepreneurs.

EFE-Palestine has supported over 25,000 young men and women enter the world of work, 8,728 of who are in Gaza.

During this time of crisis, we remain in contact with our team on the ground, who have shared that conditions continue to be extremely difficult.

Your generosity can bring hope and relief to people in Gaza facing overwhelming challenges.