On June 24th, Bloomberg News spotlighted EFE’s high job placement rates in an article addressing youth unemployment and civil unrest in Egypt.

Titled “Egypt’s Unemployed Target Mursi After Toppling Mubarak: Jobs,” the article delves into Egypt’s record-high youth unemployment rate: 8 out of 10 Egyptians without jobs are under the age of 30, and among them, a quarter hold university degrees or higher.

EFE was cited as an organization addressing the challenges of what the author calls an “untrained” labor force:

“Education for Employment, a Washington-based nonprofit organization, offers training for young graduates from low-income backgrounds in the Arab world. It then seeks to find them jobs in industries such as retail, hospitality, and banking, according to Chief Executive Officer Jamie McAuliffe. … The placement rate — about 3,000 people found jobs in the Middle East between 2006 and 2012 — is almost 80 percent, he said.”

The article emphasizes the urgency of creating private sector jobs in MENA countries, especially as budget deficits continue to rise. A former Egyptian Finance Minister is quoted, noting that the public sector has historically been the region’s primary source of employment.

Read the full article here: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2013-06-24/egypt-s-unemployed-target-mursi-after-toppling-mubarak-jobs